Brand Strategist
Redefining Alcopops for New Drinkers
Strategic Positioning
Consumer Research
Stakeholder Interviews
Brand Architecture
Competition Audit
Market Research
Bacardi Limited is a Cuban origin family owned spirits company, popular for its eponymous Bacardi rum. Bacardi Breezer is a fruit-based alcoholic drink that can be consumed right out of the bottle. The brand is popular in India, Canada, Europe and some Southeast Asian countries among others across the globe.
Bacardi Breezer kickstarted the alcopop category in India and accounts for more than 85% market share even today. The alcohol landscape changed rapidly with the entry of new low-proof offerings in the market such as wheat beers, craft beers, meads, along with new brands in the whiskey and gin categories. Breezer’s core consumer is the youth that has just entered the legal drinking age. With evolving consumer lifestyles, Breezer failed to remain relevant to the current youth.
Breezer needed a brand refresh to connect with the new age young drinkers while also being future ready in the alcohol market landscape.
Consumer Research
We conducted an in depth consumer research across six cities in India to understand current brand perceptions and associations, as well as consumer drinking habits and experiences.
The consumer was segmented into Exploratory Youngsters and Motivated Professionals under the larger group of Upbeat Relaxers.
Understanding the consumer behavior and consumption habits.
Young consumers that are entering the legal drinking age are stepping into a new world. It is the new normal that they would face an existential or an identity crisis. They wish to explore and experiment as much as they can in this short period of time before settling down into a definitive sense of identity.
We positioned Breezer as a reflection of the age of curiosity. Its variety of flavors in different colors allow consumers to live life to the fullest through enabling creative experimentation and unique explorations.
The new brand positioning guided the packaging structure and label of the beverage. We also created a suggestive innovation architecture for the brand’s portfolio of products. Based on the concept of ‘colors of curiosity’, the brand could extend into exciting elements of the consumer's lives.